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Discover the latest news, blogs and articles from Global Schools Forum on the non-state education sector

The Global Education Monitoring Report (GEMR) is THE big annual report in international education, submitted by a UNESCO-housed but editorially-independent team. Every year, the GEMR combines an annual update on progress against global education goals with a deeper-dive thematic focus. The 2021 report will have a thematic focus on non-state actors, and is therefore of high importance to GSF and to our members.

The pandemic has negatively affected the learning and well-being of 95% of school children across the world, exacerbating the learning crisis that already existed in many parts of the world. Many children will now never reach expected levels for literacy, mathematics and socio-emotional skills, and many will not return to school. The worst affected are lower income households and vulnerable groups, including girls and children in rural locations.