The 2021/22 UNESCO GEM report on Non-State Actors in Education called for all schools, whether public or private, to be recognised as being part of one system. This call to action requires that non-state providers, such as those within the Affordable Non-State sector (ANS) who provide education to marginalised communities around the world, be included in policy planning processes.
Currently most non-state run with little support or regulation by governments. A lack of government engagement with the ANS means there is little supportive regulation of these schools in place to ensure a minimum level of quality. Alongside this, the lack of a collective voice for the ANS means that they have limited opportunities to support national education agendas in their countries of operation.
All Hands On Deck For SDG 4: An action toolkit for collaboration in education systems
Commissioned by IDP Foundation, the All Hands On Deck For SDG 4 Action Toolkit comprises a set of resources including toolkit, case studies, presentations, guides and facilitator notes to support better collaboration and integration across national, subnational and regional education systems. Download and view the individual resources below.

About All Hands On Deck For SDG 4
All Hands On Deck For SDG 4, referring to the utility of all actors and providers, both state and non-state, in progress towards SDG 4, is an Initiative which aims to resolve the challenges of a lack of recognition, integration and support, by creating resources and practical tools to foster better collaboration between the ANS and government.
The initiative calls for affirmative action by all education stakeholders so that governments can benefit from the experiences and expertise of the ANS through their voice in policy development, implementation, and monitoring. By driving recognition of the role of the ANS in access to education, and engineering supportive regulation of the sector, learning outcomes for all children in all settings can improve.

The Approach: All Hands On Deck For SDG 4 aims to:
1. Inform the strategic plans of implementing organisations (including private schools associations, NGOs, or research organisations)on effective ways in which to foster better collaboration between governments and the ANS sector.
2. Initiate funding organisations’ understanding of where greater collaboration has had an impact on national systems change and which engagements have been the most effective. This can lead them to support the activities of implementing organisations, and/or guide what activities they could support their current grantees to develop.
3. Influence global organisations involved in developing resources and setting norms in education, to further support the global education eco-system through better collaboration between governments and the ANS.