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Sharing insightful thought leadership on the non-state education sector
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This rapid review by Global Schools Forum estimates the impact of COVID-19 on the non-state education sector in low- and middle-income countries
The role of teacher-selection in an ECE learning centre: Participants will be able to reimagine the skills, competencies and aptitudes that make successful ECE teachers, and how to look for these traits in your selection process.
Action steps and resources to help your team prevent learning loss and meet the social-emotional behavioural (SEB) and academic needs of each student.
Participants will learn about Hippocampus’ overall approach to ECE programme design, learn about Hippocampus’ intention behind specific elements of the programme and reflect on their own ECE programme.
This guidance note builds on prior guidance but is specific to preschools and kindergartens, as these institutions are unique in their pedagogical approach and set up specific to young children, and their dual focus on nurturing care and learning.
Learn on-ground issues and design principles, suggested six-step approach to reach & teach and reach and impact.
In Webinar 1, we discussed the following: Child Safeguarding vs. Child Protection; Child Safeguarding Risk Assessment and Mitigation Tool and Challenges in Reporting
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, GSF conducted a survey of its members to collect detailed information about their needs and responses. At a high-level, our members are concerned about continuity of learning, supporting parents and caregivers, business continuity, and the well-being and safeguarding of students. The purpose of this document is to provide more details about their responses.
The goal of the Teacher Selection Project is to transform how teachers are selected, with the long-term goal of improving teacher effectiveness and student outcomes
Why should you work on alumni engagement? What can you do now? This presentation addresses these two questions to provide a frame for further discussion.
Ustadi School Leadership Institute. Investing in the instructional leadership capacity of head teachers to Improve teacher practice.
Spark Schools: Career ladders as retention devices. How to retain effective teachers through teacher leadership.